She soon noticed in her career that the organizational side of the innovation process suited her the most. It was a logical choice to specialize as a project manager.
Joline is happy to make daily progress together with a team. And the technical challenges, the things that don’t work or don’t work out in a product, are solved together in the end. Taking the steps together to make the product better and more beautiful.
She likes to keep track of all aspects of a project. See what needs to be done first in order to achieve a good end result. Set the right priorities. And also make the right selection: which direction are you going? What is the most promising idea? Sparring with the customer and collecting all knowledge, looking at where the needs lie and arriving at the right scope together with the customer. The more aspects involved, the better for Joline.
Joline is very structured and knows how to set the right priorities in complex processes.
She likes the analytical side of a project, separating the jumble of tasks. She creates structure, so that the team can unstrain. The team members know where they stand and are able to focus on the tasks that need to be done.
She is result-oriented and always keeps in mind what it is ultimately about: ensuring that a beautiful product is delivered that is required, for a good price.
The project with which Joline graduated as an industrial designer from TU Delft was a bicycle for people with a physical disability. With great enthusiasm she designed and developed a new bicycle model, which is Van Raam’s best-selling model to this day. For a long time she worked for a range of clients at a design agency, where she gained a lot of experience with the look and feel and user interaction of a product. When Joline grew as a project manager, she often combined that role with design and engineering work. One of her major projects was a new bicycle seat (Yepp) that could suddenly be seen everywhere on the streets thanks to the application of new material.
She switched to Hamax because she also wanted to market products ‘herself’. And she has good experiences with that. It takes a lot to get a product into production and to guarantee the quality, Joline knows this process with all its possible pitfalls through and through.