All innovations bring risks and uncertainties. The more control you have over your innovation process, the better you can manage your daily activities in parallel.
Project managers from BEACON will help you to get a grip on your innovation project, minimize your risks and improve your results so that you can innovate with peace of mind.
Innovation projects are time and energy consuming. They put pressure on your organization in general and on your daily work as a manager. It is a slippery process, involving risks and uncertainties. The more you are in control, the better you are able to perform.
It is a big advantage to have someone driving the progress; someone who knows what innovation is and is used to getting on with the job. Someone with a pro-active attitude who knows what information you need to steer the process in the right direction.
BEACON helps you to keep in control. Our project managers monitor the project scope, make clear reports and give you the relevant details. Complex processes are made tangible in a clear timeline.
We divide the project-work up into a number short sprints. Each sprint should deliver concrete results. We check this after each sprint making sure the team remains committed and motivated, and that it has a good overview and knows what exactly to do. We monitor specifications, progress and risks. You will have the insight and overview needed to make the right decisions.
In short, your risks are minimized and your results improve, giving you peace of mind when it comes to innovation.
Innovate with peace of mind